
Using VIM for python development!

Why use VIM ?

      Building VIM, I followed these steps to get VIM built using python and ruby suport.
      Building Vim from source
      Then I went to add to vimrc file setting so that the editor can comply with PEP-8 document line length, indentation etc.
       vimrc changes indentation
      Install Vundle, this can help manage update vim plugins, beauty of this is that all one
      needs to do is carry the vimrc file with bundle list and installing vundle would be good enough to pull other plugins.
      Install NERDTree this is a file browser for vim,
      add the following line to vimrc file Bundle 'scrooloose/nerdtree'

      Install jedi-vim this is a plugin to 
      do autocompletion and view references/docs for python Bundle 'davidhalter/jedi-vim'

vimrc file
